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Varn Vlog Discussions with Nico Villarreal on Structuralism and Strategy
Varn Vlog: The Structuralism Debates Between Varn and Nicolas Villareal
Varn Vlog: Nicolas Villareal on the Problems of Financialization
Varn Vlog: Nicolas D Villarreal on EP Thompson's Critique of Althusser and Its Limits
Varn Vlog discussions: Erika Whelan
Varn Vlog Solo: The Rational Kernel of the PMC debates and Why the Bourgeoisie is absent
Nailing It Down Principles of Organization, Part 1 Systemization or Bureaucratization
Varn Vlog: On the Varieties of Social Democratic Cul-de-Sacs
Varn Vlog Discussion with the Swoletariat on Why Trotskyism? and Legacy of Henryk Grossman
Varn Vlog: Varn Versus Everything (On NPR World's Coverage of Peru, On inflation, On MFA's, etc)
Varn Vlog: Thoughts from a hotel room
Varn Vlog Discussion: NIghtmare MasterClass and Varn on Folk Horror, Documentaries, Marxist, Etc